Want to make a donation to Alpine Kiwanis Charities Inc.? You can do that through our Alpine Kiwanis Charities Inc. account.
*All proceeds from Brat Days and other general donations made to Alpine Kiwanis Charities Inc. are given to local non-profits that serve youth, elderly and the disabled, to local youth for scholarships for post-secondary education, to relief funds for areas affects by disasters and to Kiwanis International supported projects.
Alpine Kiwanis Charities Inc. is a 501-C3 non-profit and tax exempt as allowed by law. Our FIN - Federal Identification Number is 51-023882.
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You can also make a check payable to Alpine Kiwanis Charities, Inc.
If the donation is for a particular person or entity, please add that to the memo line and mail check to:
Alpine Kiwanis Charities,
attn: Treasurer, PO Box 5132, Rockford, IL 61115