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Charities Grant Request

Grant requests will be accepted for the 2024-2025 Kiwanis Year Granting Cycle beginning in October 1, 2024.

Any registered Not-for-Profit organization is eligible to apply for a grant though Alpine Kiwanis Club of Rockford.


All grant requests are considered in date order of receipt.   Typically the annual grant cycle begins in October and lasts as long as funds are available, which is generally until about March of the following year.


All grant requests are required to be submitted under the terms of the Grant Application Guidelines published in the link below.

All grant requests are to be submitted using the Grant Request Form found in the link below.


The Grant Request Form is editable PDF document. Download the form to your computer and open it for editing using only Adobe Acrobat (if another PDF editor is used it may not allow editing).  After editing the form it should be named and saved in the user’s computer and then submitted as an email attachment to the Alpine Kiwanis Charities Committee email address shown below along with any additional attachments desired. 


Any additional supporting information may also be submitted in addition to the Grant Request Form.


Alternatively, the form may be sent via regular mail to the postal address below.

EMAIL: Jody Schumacher -


MAIL:   Alpine Kiwanis Charities Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 5132 Rockford, IL 61125

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